Saturday 17 August 2013


I don't know about anyone else but I love setting down and reading a good book.
Last year I was given a Kindle for my birthday and seriously it was the best present ever.
I love books, the smell of them is heaven to me, but kindle's are so much easier to carry around and store so many books in one place. I didn't think I'd like the Kindle, but I love it.
Especially if you go on Amazon you can find some great books on there that are completely free. Who can complain with that?

As I read a lot of books I decided to join the site GoodReads which is a place you can rate books you've read and it keeps a list of how many books you have read over the years - so long as you can remember them all that is.

At the start of the year I set myself a challenge to read 100 books this year. Currently my number is on 62 and I am on track, the site keeps track of that, as long as every time I start a book I log it onto the site, and when I've finished it say I have completed the book.

You can also note books that you wish to read, as well as become friends with other book worms and see what they're reading - a good way to discover more books.

My profile is here if you wish to befriend me.
Are you on this site?
What books are you currently reading now? 



  1. I'm also lid from the Good reads, but Im not getting books , and my kind of books to read. Not where I live. I need , mysteries, detectives, ghost stories, witches, my thing.

    1. Have you tried buying them online? I've bought some books from Amazon which only cost me 1p and then something like £2 postage, really inexpensive and a good way to get books if your local area doesn't stock the books you read.
