Saturday 15 February 2014

Review: Divergent Series

Hey guys, I have another book review for you today, in fact I have a three in one book review for you as this is in fact a review (can I say review any more times?! haha) for the Divergent Trilogy. 

I first heard of these books from Ingrid (Miss Glamorazzi) either on her Youtube or Twitter, I'm not sure which one but she was raving about this book and I knew I had to get a copy - it sounded like my type of book. 

The Basics:

The book is from a 16 year old girls point of view. Beatrice Prior.
On an appointed day of the year, 16 year olds in the dystopian Chicago World have to choose where they wish to live out the rest of their lives, either the faction they were born in or to leave their families behind and move to another faction.

Each faction is dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue:
Abnegation - Selfless
Amity - Peaceful
Candor - Honest
Dauntless - Brave
Erudite - Intelligent

Beatrice who has never felt like she belonged in her faction is torn between staying with her family and becoming who she really is. She makes a choice that will surprise everyone - herself included.

The initiation that followers is highly competitive, Beatrice who renames herself Tric and her fellow initiates struggle to live out the choice they have made, they must undergo extreme physical and psychological tests during the weeks that follow. 

Tris has to determine who her friends are in this new faction, deal with those who have no faith in her because of where she's come from and discover romance, all whilst she keeps a secret - a secret that  she was warned could mean death. 

There is restlessness and growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect world. 


These books are fast paced I read them far too quickly because I just couldn't put them down. Which to me is a sign of a great book. Before owning this book I hadn't heard of much about the story - a lot less than what I have written above but I already knew I needed to read it, I'm so glad I did. 

They are long books at 400-500 pages each, but honestly you cannot tell as you end up turning the pages so quickly to find out what happens next. 

I can't really say much about the other two books Insurgent and Allegiant because I'd be given away massive plot points that would ruin it for you, but I highly recommend you give them a read.

My favourite from the three was Divergent but I was totally shocked about the ending of Allegiant, I didn't expect that ending at all, even after the book I was still pressing the "next page" button on my Kindle because I was like "....that cannot be the end, there is mistake!"
I praise Veronica Roth though because not many people would end their book that way which makes it slightly different.

This is for fans of Hunger Games, Harry Potter and Delirium - or anyone who enjoys a good series. 

For those who have read it, what faction do you think you'd be in? 


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