Sunday 17 August 2014

Murder is a Family Business - Heather Haven

Heather Haven - Murder is a family business

Just because a man cheats on his wife and makes Danny DeVito look tall, dark and handsome, is that any reason to kill him? - GoodReads.

Hey guys, I found this book on Amazon a few weeks ago, it was free at the time so I thought "Why not?!" Does anyone else scroll through Amazon for free books? I have found some amazing ones on there, then have gone to look back and found the price has gone back up. Wooo bargains. 

Back to this review, I decided I needed a break from the A Song of Ice and Fire series, just a nice book I could curl up with and have read in a day - this was just the thing I needed.
I love a good murder mystery book and though this wasn't the best I've read - it was an easy read. I didn't need to think too much, I could sink into that world very easily and get lost for a few hours - just what I wanted. 

The only reason I say this wasn't the best I've read is because I just couldn't connect with the main character. I'm not sure why but I didn't root for her. Her kitten on the other hand I wanted to hear more about as he sounded very cute. Saying that though I did enjoy reading it.
I'm sounding like I'm contradicting myself now. I enjoyed it, it was a good read - just not the best. 

This book is set in San Francisco which I liked, I've always been fascinated with San Francisco for some reason, so to have that as the location made me happy. It's the little things.  

Lee Alvarez - our main character, comes from a family of detectives, Lee is sent to watch the husband of her mother's friend who they suspect is cheating. What Lee doesn't expect is to find the husband shot dead, and a famous dancer is involved. 
This book proves that you can know someone, but not actually know them at all.

You can buy this book for as little as £1.80 on Amazon.



  1. This sounds interesting, good review!

    I definitely need to get back into reading... I used to read all the time but then life kinda got in the way lol

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my blog!

    Laura ♥ |
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  2. Thank you :)
    Oooh I love nothing more than a good read, have to remember to put the books down and blog xD haha.
    You're welcome.
